Optimizing your Business’ Social Media: Part 5

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on May 25 | in Featured | by

Optimize your Business’ Social Media Part 5: Instagram

Over the last 5 weeks, we have given you little gems of insight on how to optimize your brand’s social media. This week, we wanted to end the series with one of our favorite platforms: Instagram.

Instagram has over 300 active monthly users and more and more brands are taking advantage of the platform to share their distinctive point of view.

It is an incredibly visual platform that focuses on captivating imagery and allows you an avenue to tell your brand’s story in a way no other social media channel can.

Make sure your Instagram is optimized with these tips:

  • Choose an account name that appropriately represents your business name. Try not to use numbers or other characters that might deter your customers from finding you.
  • Just like your account name, your profile photo should be readily recognizable as attached to your brand. Keep it simple, perhaps a logo or your headshot (if you represent a personal brand). Image dimensions should be 150×150 pixels.
  • When posting, try to include relevant hashtags that appeal to your chosen demographic. In our opinion, there’s no point over utilizing hashtags, it can appear as though you are desperate for followers and it also doesn’t hone in on your specific target audience. 
  • Remember that although Instagram performs differently to any other platform, it is still SOCIAL media. Ensure you engage with your likers, followers and with other accounts that are relevant to your industry.

Are we connected on Instagram? It’s the best way for you to see behind the scenes at Social Diva Media HQ #SDMHQ and where I share some great Instagram tips. Follow me @SocialDiva

Want to crack the code on how to make your Instagram work for you and more importantly your business? http://bit.ly/sdmInstagram

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